For entrepreneurs ready to leverage the power of Twitter:

How I grew my Twitter account from 0 to 50k raving fans (and 40k revenue) in 100 days - with AI’s unfair advantage.

This unique creator-focused system is designed to teach you how to rapidly grow an audience of raving fans on Twitter, monetize your brand, and leverage AI to shortcut the pain of content creation.


If you want to 10x your online influence, create several new income streams for your business, and create quality content faster and easier than you’ve ever done before, then you’ll want to consider this letter very carefully:

As an entrepreneur, building your audience on X (Twitter) is the single most important thing you can do for your business right now.


Because X provides unparalleled opportunities to directly connect with potential customers (think inbound leads on autopilot), establish yourself as a thought leader (build your network and open up opportunities), and supercharging market research to find product-market fit faster.

Building an audience on X will grow your business faster than any other existing tactics.

As Justin Kan said:

“First time founders are obsessed with product. Second time founders are obsessed with distribution.”

And an audience of raving fans on X is the best kind of distribution.

But the problem is, most entrepreneurs struggle in “beginner hell” on X for months, trying to figure out how to gain real traction.

Content creation swallows all their time with little payoff.

Without the right systems, creating content is an endless cycle of trial and error.

That’s why inside this game-changing course, you’ll discover the proven blueprint for going from zero to loyal community fast on X.

No more spinning your wheels endlessly.

My simple yet powerful system will shortcut years of failure by showing you exactly what content works to capture attention right now.

And with my AI systems, you’ll be able to automatically generate high-quality content in minutes rather than hours.

So you can rapidly grow your audience AND MONETIZE it without burning yourself out.

Skip ahead to course details

An AUDIENCE-FIRST approach is the NEW way of entrepreneurship.

Let me explain...

Here's my story:

My name is Moritz Kremb and up until 6 months ago I was working in a typical corporate environment.

Waking up early every day, wearing suits, attending regular meetings, and speaking “corporate talk” with my coworkers and superiors.

I hated every second of that job.

But not too long before my job, I was convinced I would become an entrepreneur...

All throughout my life I have constantly tried new business ideas, from selling clothing at University, to starting a social media app, to becoming an influencer on TikTok.

I tried so many different business ideas but never got the amount of traction I needed to support myself financially.

My parents, who supported all of my ideas up to this point, politely suggested I get a regular job.

I caved and got a job that paid a good salary.

But the idea of running my own business never left my mind. In fact, the more time I spent in my corporate office or in meetings, the more I daydreamed about having full control over my time and destiny.

Then my girlfriend and I decided to have a kid.

That’s when the motivation to leave my job really kicked in.

The pay wasn’t bad at my job, but what I really craved was... 


I wanted the freedom to work at any hour I desired.

I wanted the freedom to spend a whole day or a whole week with my wife and kid without anyone telling me I couldn’t.

I wanted the freedom to work on MY projects and MY dreams. Not the tasks of some manager who couldn’t care less about my existence.

So I set off to start making money from a solo business, once and for all.

And I had a new idea:

Like many aspiring entrepreneurs, I have a massive notepad filled with business and product ideas I’m eager to pursue.

But I've been down that path several times.

Spending months building a product.

Launching it.

Then "hoping" for customers to magically appear and use your product.

So one day, browsing money Twitter, I finally realized...

The new, SMARTER way, of entrepreneurship is first to build an engaged audience and community around your personal brand.

Once you have an invested following, you can survey them, learn about their pain points, and discover exactly what type of product they are begging for.

With this audience-first approach, you remove massive risk by ensuring product-market fit before ever starting development.

By giving your community a voice and inviting them into the creation process, you can guarantee demand before investing time and money into building.

I had seen a lot of people growing accounts and monetizing them on Twitter.

I knew that it worked.

But I didn’t know exactly HOW those people were doing it.

So I convinced myself I would figure it out.

I told my girlfriend, “I’m going to start creating content on Twitter so I can eventually make money from it. I’ll have 10,000 followers within 6 months!”

She thought I was crazy.

At the time, even she had more followers than I did, so my Twitter goal seemed ridiculous. Yet, I wasn’t discouraged.

I started grinding...

I didn't have a strategy yet HOW I was going to reach 10k followers and monetize my account.

But I knew I had to try.


I had a secret weapon.

At the time I started on Twitter, AI was hyping.

And I had already spent months, since the launch of ChatGPT, figuring out how to use this tool in excruciating detail.

So I started applying it to content creation.

In fact, I was one of the first to start using ChatGPT in the content creation process.

With some cleverly crafted prompts and using the prompt strategies I have learned, I was able to research, brainstorm and draft tons of content and variations which gave me a significant edge over most content creators.

My first objective was to make a successful thread.

The first 21 days of trying to write threads, they all flopped.

But with practice (and the assistance of ChatGPT), my skills started improving rapidly, until one day, one of my threads went super viral.

The post gained so much traction that I grew by over 1,500 followers in a few days!

Then a few days later, another post went viral. Then another.

I had finally cracked the code.

With the help of ChatGPT I was able to create content that consistently blew up and received hundreds of thousands or millions of impressions:

My tweets were even regularly shared by high-profile people, such as this one, shared by Scott Adams:

Within a few months, I grew to over 50,000 followers and made over $40,000 in profit.

Along the way, a lot of famous and influential people even started followed me, including Jordan Peterson, NFT God, and Andrew Chen:

Now my mission is to help other people (like you) realize their dream of being a successful entrepreneur.

I’ve put together my strategies of how you can grow hyper fast on X and how you can leverage AI to create high-quality content as fast as possible in a course so you can spend more time doing the stuff you love.

Inside the course you’ll find:

  • My 3-step blueprint to consistently make posts go viral (at this point I’ve had literally dozens of posts go viral using this 3-step structure)
  • How to select the perfect niche for your new brand
  • How to get out of "beginner hell" on X
  • How to leverage AI’s infinite creativity to never run out of ways to engage with other people on the platform (this is key to expanding your reach in the early days of your brand)
  • A clever and completely ethical way to “remix” other peoples’ content
  • How to avoid being deboosted or shadowbanned by the algorithm (most people don’t know about this advice)
  • 100+ hook ideas you can use for inspiration (and how to use ChatGPT to generate infinite variations too)
  • And a ton of other strategies to grow and monetize your entrepreneur dreams

Now you might be asking:

How is this course different from other AI content courses?

Simple. This course does not just focus on AI content creation.

It's focus is actually on providing you the STRATEGIES needed to grow on X, delivering you REAL results.

Because if you just learn how to create content with AI, you won't grow.

You'll probably stay stuck in beginner hell on X for months.

Additionally, this course shows you how to actually MONETIZE that growth.

Because if you just grow and don't monetize, there's no point in doing any of this really.

Also, the course is designed with the busy entrepreneur in mind.

If you’re worried that you “don’t have time” to grow a brand on X, don’t worry.

The course gives you the RIGHT strategies that lead to immediate results if implemented.

Stop spending weeks and months doing the wrong things.

Additionally, the course is broken into small modules with videos that are easy to digest at your own pace, so that you can consume this knowledge in the least time-consuming way as possible.

Are you ready to see the course details?



The AI Creator Launch System

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll find inside the AI Creator Launch course:

Module level 1: Getting started

  • Finding your niche
  • Setting up your profile (so people will want to follow you)
  • Reply strategy (how to get your initial followers)
  • DM strategy (nurture your relationships)
  • Build your own engagement group

Module level 2: Basic content strategy

  • How to never run out of content ideas
  • Tweet types & frequency (what, how & when)
  • Tweet amplification (giving your tweet that extra push)
  • How to avoid shadowbans

Module level 3: Advanced (AI) content strategy

  • Comparing scheduling tools
  • Repurposing content (turn 1 tweet into 10)
  • Tweet templates (the best way to make high-quality AI content)
  • Call-To-Actions (how to plug links into your content)

Module level 4: Viral Growth

  • How to create viral threads (3-step process)
  • The X (Twitter) algorithm
  • How to use data to your advantage

Module level 5: Monetization

  • Creator funnels (the big picture of monetization)
  • Ways to monetize as a creator (inspiration bank)
  • Creating your offer (research and iteration)
  • Tweets to attract leads
  • The giveaway tweet
  • Soft and Hard sells
  • System for DMing

My course and systems are designed specifically for entrepreneurs who:

  • Want to create a lot of high-quality content, FAST
  • Want multiple, reliable sources of income
  • Want to attract an audience of raving fans
  • Love the idea of AI, but aren’t sure how to leverage its full potential
  • Want to create new products
  • Would like to become a respected authority in their niche, not just a cheap “influencer”
  • Have been disappointed by empty “growth courses” on the market
  • Would like to use their limited time as efficiently as possible
  • Want to grow their brand quickly
  • Don’t like wasting their time with trial-and-error tactics

If any of the above points are of interest to you, then you’ll want to join the AI Creator Launch course now.

But don’t take my word for it.

Here’s what some of my early-access students have been saying about the AI Creator Launch Course:

Here’s something else you should consider:

What most people don’t understand about growing their personal brand online is that

Your brand is basically free advertising.

For example, my tweets received over 74,000,000 impressions in the last 90 days from the various posts I made.

If you were to pay for 74M impressions using Google ads at a $5 CPM, you’d spend about $370,000 for that kind of reach!

Yet, those 74M impressions didn’t cost me a cent.

The only “cost” I had was the time it took me to create and test posts in my niche to go viral.

When you grow your X account to even just a few thousand followers, a tremendous amount of opportunities will start sliding into your inbox:

Around 2,000 followers, someone offered to pay me $1,000 to teach him how to use ChatGPT:

At around 5,000 followers, I was asked to speak at a networking event in Berlin:

Somewhere around 10,000 followers I was paid 500 EUR to write an article for a German news website and two other news publications featured me in a story:

And very soon, many sponsorship opportunities started opening up to me.

The inbound deal flow was crazy:

This ultimately made me reach over $40k in revenue in a very short period of time:

It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in, once you start gaining traction and attracting your ideal audience, sponsors and coaching opportunities will slide into your inbox.

And even better than sponsorships:

Building your digital product.

Once you have a small audience you can ask them what products they want.

A common mistake that new solopreneurs make is creating a product first, then trying to build an audience around it.

With the AI Creator Launch course I’ve flipped the script.

I’ll teach you how to attract your ideal audience first, then build a product around what they want second.

This is the new way to develop products in 2023 that is significantly lower risk.

Instantly creating a product that has product-market fit.

This is ultimately the best way to monetize, better than any sponsorship.

So why haven’t you started creating your audience-first brand yet?

The way I see it, you have three possible paths in front of you:


You continue spinning your wheels in obscurity, using ineffective growth tactics, churning out low-quality content that no one sees, and never making the money you’d like to make while being surpassed by competitors using smarter systems.



You try to learn how to become a solopreneur on your own. It’s possible. I did it. I know a few other people who did it too.

Yet, I also know of hundreds of people who started down this path and quickly became lost and discouraged. 

Learning how to grow an audience and business on your own is a difficult uphill battle.

The biggest problem is you don’t know what you don’t know, so where do you get started?

If you choose this path, you’ll most likely spend months or years trying to figure out how to grow and monetize your brand on X.



You join the AI Creator Launch course.

I show you everything you need to know about picking a niche, growing an audience, and leveraging AI to save yourself hundreds of hours per year.

You join the community of like-minded solopreneurs and we all share tips and give each other accountability, accelerating all of our progress together.

Within 4 to 12 months (results vary) you achieve financial freedom and pursue a life of ease.

Which path will you choose?

I think the choice is obvious.

Also included with your purchase are these exclusive bonuses:

Bonus #1: 100+ thread hooks to 10x your AI prompts

  • Over 100 successful hooks that you can use as inspiration or as templates to generate your own successful posts on X
  • Don’t start from a blank page, use previous viral posts as a framework to get your creativity flowing

Bonus #2: Profile Optimization Swipe File

  • Your profile is your sales pitch and has one goal: to convert followers
  • This swipe file contains hundreds of example bios you can use as a starting point for your X profile

Bonus #3: Prompt Cheat Sheet

  • 5 of my favorite frameworks to encourage AI chatbots to produce higher-quality content
  • Includes step-by-step breakdown of how to use the frameworks effectively

For a limited time, you can get access to the AI Creator Launch Course for just $297 $149!

Will I see you inside the AI Creator Launch course?

Here’s the link:

I know $149 may feel like a big investment, especially when you’re just getting started.

But when you consider the immense value this complete system provides, you'll quickly realize it’s an absolute bargain.

With your new audience growth and monetization skills, you can easily make back the course cost.

Just one sponsored post, coaching call, or digital product sale will cover your initial investment many times over.

When you consider the thousands you’ll spend trying to learn these skills through trial and error, $149 is a tiny fraction of the value.

It’s pennies compared to the months it would take you to grow alone.

This is your chance to shortcut years of failure and skyrocket your success.

Just click below, implement what I teach, and you can grow a profitable brand in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t have much free time to study the course material?

This course is specifically structured for the busy entrepreneur to learn and apply the lessons with as little time wasted as possible. When I started growing my business on X, I was still working full-time at my corporate gig AND I just became a dad. I’ll teach you how to use AI to make the best use of your time and grow your audience as fast as possible.

Is the course also for LinkedIn and newsletters?

While the concepts can be applied to growing on other social media platforms or other mediums as well, the course is focused on X.

X will be the most important platform in the coming years when it has transitioned into the Everything app. (Are you really willing to bet against Elon Musk, with his track record?)

How long will it take to see results using these methods?

If you follow the strategies you will see results within a week. To maintain sustained growth you have to be consistent.

Given the rapid changes in social media algorithms and AI tools, how frequently is the course content updated?

The course will be updated with bonus materials and other content regularly.

How is this course different from other social media growth courses that exist?

This course teaches you how to use AI to speed up your growth. It also teaches you how to monetize your audience.

This course is not just an AI content creation course. It contains the strategies to grow on X + AI.  

Is there a risk of getting banned because of AI content?

No there is no risk of getting banned. This course does NOT teach you to use AI to create all of your content. This course teaches you how to grow on X and leverage AI to save you time.

What proof do you have that your strategies will work for my business?

Other students implementing my system and getting my mentorship have accelerated their growth.

This system is universal and works for any niche. If I would start all over again, in a different niche, using this knowledge, I could grow an audience to the same size.  

What if I get stuck on a module or have questions?

You can DM me on Twitter or email me anytime. I also offer a coaching program for more personalized help.

Is this just a course filled with AI prompts?

No, this course is so much more than prompts. It’s the systems and strategies (as video tutorials) for you to grow on X by leveraging AI.